A Christmas story

Christmas Eve – Present Day Daylight was fading on a grey and drizzly Christmas Eve day. Traffic on the road slushed and swished along the wet surface, reflecting the red and white lights of cars carefully making their way to destinations near and far. “”Driving home for Christmas” was the song being played on many … More A Christmas story


I remember some years ago sitting with members of my family as my Dad was taking his last breaths on this earth. At some point he seemed to struggle and be unable to settle. One of my relatives said  “Someone should pray.” Of course, all eyes suddenly turned to me, as I’m the one who … More Lullaby


I am a writer and my stock in trade is words. I am a writer and words are my stock in trade. I’ve agonised over those two variations for three hours now! Three hours! That’s four cups of tea, half a chocolate egg, one packet of crisps, a handful of peanuts, two Ibuprofen, several procrastinating … More Words

53:53 North

I like numbers. Numbers lead you into all sorts of wonders. Numbers are wonders. 36,200; 29,026; 93,000,000; 245,000 Ah. Sometimes numbers need modifying with words before they can become wonders. 36,200 feet The depth of the Challenger Deep the deepest part of the deepest ocean trench, the Mariana Trench in the Pacific Ocean. What’s down … More 53:53 North

A people of Shaking

Some time ago I was watching a YouTube video in which a retired Methodist minister was being interviewed by his daughter. He was talking for the first time about his experience as a young minister during a particularly distressing disaster and in which he had been heavily involved with at the time, which had taken … More A people of Shaking

Deep Water

As Hurricane Florence bears down on the mid Atlantic coast of the USA, I’m reminded of a time when I was caught in a hurricane. August 1992 and I was living in Jacksonville, Florida. Jacksonville is host to 2 naval complexes, Naval Station Mayport and Naval Air Station Jacksonville. At the time there were two … More Deep Water

Four Sermons

It’s good to talk! But sometimes it is just as good to listen. I was doing some spring cleaning the other day when I came across some old tapes of sermons I was asked to deliver in 2008/9. So I transferred them to the computer and here they are for your delectation. I apologise for … More Four Sermons

Well, Well, Well!

  I’m writing this on January 1st 2017. As so many of us do, I’ve been looking back over the past year, with its triumphs and tears, hopes and disappointments, tragedies and delights. A year in which much has changed but also in which much has remained the same. Along with many I’m looking out … More Well, Well, Well!

A journey to remember

Further thoughts about a people of journey. Journeys can be short..as in this case! I began work as a 15 year old boy in 1970 at a company called Doubleglazit. This was a window manufacturer and I was a general dogsbody, sweeping floors, making tea, cleaning glass, making frames etc. It was from this unpromising … More A journey to remember

A people of Journeying.

“Return all signals to danger. Discharge traction current. Cancel all departures. Revoke movement authorities.” All of us in the signal box immediately complied with the senior controllers instructions. Outside, in the busy approaches to the station, train after train shuddered to a halt. The huge diagram in front of me looked like a constellation of … More A people of Journeying.

A people of…

I have always been fascinated by the passage in 1 Peter 2: 10 “Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy.” I’ve read it so many times and pondered on it. At face value it is describing … More A people of…

Tasteless Television.

I may be missing something here. Celebrity chefs. Celebrities trying to be chefs. Commoners trying to be chefs. Cooking competitions. What’s the point? My understanding is that smell and taste are important in the partaking of food. Neither of which seem to work on my TV. And I’m never convinced by people slurping, sipping and … More Tasteless Television.


A very big welcome to my corner of the blogosphere. I’m very new to this, so hopefully it will all work well. So come along for the fun, the rants and the comments.